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The Manual Glue & You

The manual glue is the most generic way to try Wallet Test Framework. It displays instructions to a human user and generates events based on button presses and form inputs. Ideally every wallet will have bespoke integration, but the manual glue works even when no integration has been written yet.


At minimum, your wallet must support:

Mobile wallet and WalletConnect support coming soon!


You can choose what tests to run by appending a grep query parameter:


Using the Manual Glue

Do not click any wallet buttons without being instructed to!

The manual glue will provide explicit instructions on when to approve/reject prompts from your wallet. Clicking buttons before being asked to will cause tests to fail.

Connecting your Wallet

image The first page that greets you from Wallet Test Framework is the connect page. Clicking the connect button will establish a connection from the tests to your wallet.

Explaining the User Interface

The user interface is divided into three columns: test results, events, and instructions. image

The results column will contain the names of tests and their pass/fail status. The middle column (events) has buttons that you press when your wallet requests user input. The last column (instructions) will provide the responses to give to the wallet.

Requesting User Input

Here is a hypothetical prompt that your wallet might display. image

To inform the test that the wallet is requesting information, choose the correct button from the center column. In this case it's "Add Ethereum Chain":


In the dialog that opens, copy the relevant information from your wallet and click submit.


Responding to a Prompt

After reporting an event, WTF may give the user instructions to follow. These will be displayed in the rightmost column:


Make sure to follow the instructions before clicking complete.

